Cumberland Mem Hsptl Ecu

Cumberland Mem Hsptl Ecu was recognized and ceritified in 2013 by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services as one of model nursing home providers promoting health and improving quality of life. Cumberland Mem Hsptl Ecu which is located in 1110 7Th Ave Cumberland, is scientifically measured and assessed by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and is shown to provide good nursing home services or products under the Medicare program. Cumberland Mem Hsptl Ecu is being offered ceritified services and products in Wisconsin.
Address:   1110 7Th Ave
       Cumberland, WI 54829

Phone:   (715) 822-6113

County: Barron
Federal Provider Number: 525712
Participates in: Medicare And Medicaid
Certified Date: Thursday, August 1, 2013 (12 years certified)
Certified Agency: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Legal Business Name: Cumberland Memorial Hospital Inc
Ownership Type: Non Profit - Corporation
Provider Changed Ownership in Last 12 Months: No

TypeNameRole Description
OrganizationCumberland Memorial Hospital IncOperational/managerial Control
PersonMartin Peters5% Or More Ownership Interest
PersonAngela MartensDirector/officer
PersonThomas LingenOperational/managerial Control
PersonThomas Lingen5% Or More Ownership Interest
PersonJoseph LeschisinOperational/managerial Control
PersonJoseph Leschisin5% Or More Ownership Interest
PersonAnn HendricksOperational/managerial Control
PersonAnn Hendricks5% Or More Ownership Interest
PersonMichael GutschW-2 Managing Employee
PersonMichael GutschDirector/officer
PersonMatthew GoresOperational/managerial Control
PersonMatthew Gores5% Or More Ownership Interest
PersonCandace CotoneOperational/managerial Control
PersonCandace Cotone5% Or More Ownership Interest
PersonMary Ann ClarkDirector/officer
PersonCharles ChristensenOperational/managerial Control
PersonCharles Christensen5% Or More Ownership Interest
PersonMartin PetersOperational/managerial Control

Provider Resides in Hospital: Yes
Number of Federally Certified Beds: 50
Number of Residents in Federally Certified Beds: 46 (92% occupied)
Continuing Care Retirement Community: No
Special Focus Facility: No
With a Resident and Family Council: Resident
Automatic Sprinkler Systems in All Required Areas: Yes

Survey Date: Thursday, May 15, 2014
Survey Type: Health
Deficiency: F0157 (Immediately tell the resident, the resident's doctor, and a family member of situations (injury/decl)
Scope Severity Code: D
Deficiency Corrected: Deficient, Provider Has Date Of Correction
Date the deficiency was corrected: Sunday, June 15, 2014
The inspection cycle of deficiency: 1 (the deficiency was found on a standard inspection)

Survey Date: Thursday, May 15, 2014
Survey Type: Health
Deficiency: F0279 (Develop a complete care plan that meets all the resident's needs, with timetables and actions that c)
Scope Severity Code: D
Deficiency Corrected: Deficient, Provider Has Date Of Correction
Date the deficiency was corrected: Sunday, June 15, 2014
The inspection cycle of deficiency: 1 (the deficiency was found on a standard inspection)

Survey Date: Thursday, May 15, 2014
Survey Type: Health
Deficiency: F0280 (Allow residents the right to participate in the planning or revision of care and treatment.)
Scope Severity Code: D
Deficiency Corrected: Deficient, Provider Has Date Of Correction
Date the deficiency was corrected: Sunday, June 15, 2014
The inspection cycle of deficiency: 1 (the deficiency was found on a standard inspection)

Survey Date: Thursday, May 15, 2014
Survey Type: Health
Deficiency: F0323 (Ensure that a nursing home area is free from accident hazards and provide adequate supervision to pr)
Scope Severity Code: D
Deficiency Corrected: Deficient, Provider Has Date Of Correction
Date the deficiency was corrected: Sunday, June 15, 2014
The inspection cycle of deficiency: 1 (the deficiency was found on a standard inspection)

Survey Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013
Survey Type: Health
Deficiency: F0371 (Store, cook, and serve food in a safe and clean way.)
Scope Severity Code: F
Deficiency Corrected: Deficient, Provider Has Date Of Correction
Date the deficiency was corrected: Thursday, May 16, 2013
The inspection cycle of deficiency: 2 (the deficiency was found on a standard inspection)

Survey Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013
Survey Type: Health
Deficiency: F0323 (Ensure that a nursing home area is free from accident hazards and provide adequate supervision to pr)
Scope Severity Code: G
Deficiency Corrected: Deficient, Provider Has Date Of Correction
Date the deficiency was corrected: Thursday, May 16, 2013
The inspection cycle of deficiency: 2 (the deficiency was found on a standard inspection)

Survey Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013
Survey Type: Health
Deficiency: F0225 (1) Hire only people with no legal history of abusing, neglecting or mistreating residents; or 2) rep)
Scope Severity Code: E
Deficiency Corrected: Deficient, Provider Has Date Of Correction
Date the deficiency was corrected: Thursday, May 16, 2013
The inspection cycle of deficiency: 2 (the deficiency was found on a standard inspection)

Survey Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013
Survey Type: Health
Deficiency: F0226 (Develop and implement policies for 1) screening and training employees; and the 2) prevention, ident)
Scope Severity Code: C
Deficiency Corrected: Deficient, Provider Has Date Of Correction
Date the deficiency was corrected: Thursday, May 16, 2013
The inspection cycle of deficiency: 2 (the deficiency was found on a standard inspection)

Survey Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013
Survey Type: Health
Deficiency: F0279 (Develop a complete care plan that meets all the resident's needs, with timetables and actions that c)
Scope Severity Code: D
Deficiency Corrected: Deficient, Provider Has Date Of Correction
Date the deficiency was corrected: Thursday, May 16, 2013
The inspection cycle of deficiency: 2 (the deficiency was found on a standard inspection)

Survey Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013
Survey Type: Health
Deficiency: F0164 (Keep residents' personal and medical records private and confidential.)
Scope Severity Code: E
Deficiency Corrected: Deficient, Provider Has Date Of Correction
Date the deficiency was corrected: Thursday, May 16, 2013
The inspection cycle of deficiency: 2 (the deficiency was found on a standard inspection)

Survey Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013
Survey Type: Health
Deficiency: F0441 (Have a program that investigates, controls and keeps infection from spreading.)
Scope Severity Code: E
Deficiency Corrected: Deficient, Provider Has Date Of Correction
Date the deficiency was corrected: Thursday, May 16, 2013
The inspection cycle of deficiency: 2 (the deficiency was found on a standard inspection)

Number of Facility Reported Incidents: 0
Number of Substantiated Complaints: 0
Number of Fines: 0
Number of Payment Denials: 0
Total Number of Penalties: 0
Total Amount of Fines in Dollars: USD 0
This data allows consumers to compare information about nursing homes. Information here is not an endorsement or advertisement for any nursing home and should be considered carefully. Use it with other information you gather about nursing homes facilities. Talk to your doctor or other health care provider about this.

This data was updated by using data source from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) which is publicized on Wednesday, October 1, 2014. If you found out that something incorrect and want to change it, please follow this Update Data guide.

The Five Star Quality Rating System is not a substitute for visiting the nursing home. This system can give you important information, help you compare nursing homes by topics you consider most important, and help you think of questions to ask when you visit the nursing home. Use the Five-Star ratings together with other sources of information.

items rating
Health Inspection Rating (3 out of 5 stars)
Quality Rating (5 out of 5 stars)
Staffing Rating (4 out of 5 stars)
RN Staffing Rating (5 out of 5 stars)
Overall Rating (5 out of 5 stars)
Nursing homes vary in the quality of care and services they provide to their residents. Reviewing health inspection results, staffing data, and quality measure data are three important ways to measure nursing home quality. This information gives you a "snap shot" of the care individual nursing home give.

Patients experiences Provider State Nation
Percent of High Risk Long Stay Residents With Pressure Ulcers
Percent of Long Stay Residents Experiencing One or More Falls with Major Injury
Percent of Long Stay Residents Who Self Report Moderate to Severe Pain
Percent of Long Stay Residents Who Were Physically Restrained
Percent of Long Stay Residents Whose Need for Help with ADLs has Increased
Percent of Long Stay Residents with a Catheter Inserted and Left in Their Bladder
Percent of Long Stay Residents With a Urinary Tract Infection
Percent of Short Stay Residents Who Self Report Moderate to Severe Pain
Percent of Short Stay Residents With Pressure Ulcers That Are New or Worsened
Percent of Long Stay Residents Assessed and Appropriately Given the Pneumococcal Vaccine
Percent of Long Stay Residents Assessed and Appropriately Given the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine
Percent of Long Stay Residents Who Have Depressive Symptoms
Percent of Long Stay Residents Who Lose Too Much Weight
Percent of Long Stay Residents Who Received an Antipsychotic Medication
Percent of Low Risk Long Stay Residents Who Lose Control of Their Bowel or Bladder
Percent of Short Stay Residents Assessed and Appropriately Given the Pneumococcal Vaccine
Percent of Short Stay Residents Who Newly Received an Antipsychotic Medication
Percent of Short Stay Residents Who Were Assessed and Appropriately Given the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine

Data not available.

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Cumberland Mem Hsptl Ecu [Federal No:525712] near 1110 7Th Ave, Cumberland WI

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